dimanche 19 mars 2017

7 Diseases that Sedentary Lifestyle can cause and the ways to avoid them

It is well-known for everybody, that the lifestyle which involves mostly sitting during the daytime is very harmful for the health. This article specifies more about the matter and explores the ways these consequences could be avoided.

After work you go in the gym or swimming pool and try to burn the calories that you gained that day in order to avoid obesity. However, other than obesity there are more serious risks that sports cannot compensate. It is always better to stand up every hour and for 5 minutes only run on the stairs up and down or just walk around, rather than sit for 8 hours and then tire yourself for 2 hours in the gym. If you spend more than 5 hours sitting a day, then you are under a serious risk of acquiring these diseases:

Cancer and Diabetes

Inactive lifestyle plays one of the main roles in developing the series of diseases that in many case lead to fatal results: Cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and certain types of cancer. The named diseases are partially influenced by the genetics, however to “awake” this hereditary negative factors is thanks to the named lifestyle. 

American and British Medical Association releases recommendations, where the first point for prevention of developing cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer indicates instant changes in lifestyle and only after this begins the discussion of medical treatments.


It is clear that when we move less the calories gained are not fully burnt. But, this is only the tip of an iceberg – during the insufficient physical activity, the volume of muscle mass is lost, which are wasted by fats and at its expense is generated the energy. When the muscle tone is reduced mood is being affected negatively, which causes even more consumption of the food.


Sedentary lifestyle causes impairment of the abdominal front wall muscles, which negatively reflects on gastrointestinal peristalsis. As a consequence develops constipation and other digestive disorders. While skin condition is strongly correlated with the digestive system of an organism, paleness and acne are evolving.
However, probably the fact that there is no direct connection between the sitting lifestyle and hemorrhoids will calm you down.

Muscle cramps

Sitting for a long time – it is huge load for joints and for intervertebral discs. If you change the posture rarely, one and the same muscles are loaded. If you move less and change your movement rarely (for example, in front of computer or while driving), muscles are constantly in spasmodic conditions, because of which so called trigger zones appear, which when pushed will produce severe pain. Most frequently, the problem is localized in the areas of shoulders, waist and buttocks.


It is scientifically proven that in the sitting position the load on the backbone is considerably higher than in the standing position. If you are sitting incorrectly – leaning in forward with body and head (usual pose when driving a car or sitting in front of the monitor), the intervertebral discs of neck and the waist experience immense load. As a result, the risk of developing osteochondritis almost doubles.


Due to the explained reasons above, Sedentary lifestyle causes blood circulation to slow down and venous blood flow is hindered in pelvic organs. That itself leads to female sex organs problems and supports its aggravation. Changes occur in processes going in the ovaries – increases the number of anovulatory menstrual cycles (when maturation is not happening, as well as ovulation, it leads to infertility).

Impotence in men

For a normal patient, it is essential to have unimpeded and smooth blood circulation in pelvic organs. As in the sitting positions blood circulation is worsening, it causes several inflammatory processes to begin. Many of these inflammatory processes encourage diseases such as prostatitis.


There is no doubt that sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of the varicose disease. The main factor of the risk is having no lower limb muscle tones. While walking muscles are pushing down on the veins and give them proper shape, which stimulates the blood flow. 

But when you are sitting, the pressure on lower limbs is insufficient,  musculo-venous pump function is weakened and the blood flow is hindered. 

This causes dullness of the walls of veins and their wideness. If you are working in the office, never cross the legs – such position creates an obstacle for the blood flow. Take a break in every 30 minutes – walk or make circular motions with your feet in different directions.

If you suddenly felt unwell, but hikes to numerous specialists did not produce any results, then it is worth paying attention to check up diagnostic

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